Entries in drawing (6)


Vampires! Vampires eeeeeeeeeeverywhere!


A small sampling of the vampires drawn at last night's Dracula: Son of the Dragon Drink-n-draw event!

Xoxox to all the great artists who turned out to draw fanged creatures!

Great news! You can get a hand-drawn Sassquach vampire of your very own! For the low-low cost of an $8 contribution to the Dracula: Son of the Dragon Kickstarter, a vampire will be lovingly crafted on sturdy white stock and mailed to your home. In for a bargain? You can get 3 unique drawings for $20! There's only four days left in the campaign, so order one while you can!


Recovering from eye surgery

Sassquach is recovering from Lasik today and on Vicodin and blind. So I did what every good husband does and asked her to draw something so that I can update the website! Enjoy!

First picture: Wild Wild West


Professor Hot Tub, a professor she knew in college who would attend student parties


Roller Disco


And finally: Self Portrait with Golden Girls running on the TV


Some more Sassquach art!


Here are some others I have done for fans.






Bears on bikes!



Draw an ostrich!

To celebrate passing the $2,500 mark on my Indiegogo campaign, I've made a little video to show you all how Sassquach draws an ostrich!